COVID protocols will be adjusted to align with the recommendations from the Florida Department of Health, the Surgeon General, and Governor DeSantis to begin “getting things back to normal.” While the Wakulla County School Board will continue to be on high alert for any necessary adjustments to help keep our employees and students safe, we will lift many of the safety protocols preventing visitors and on campus events from taking place. The following are a few of the highlighted areas for change:
Parents who have been approved to volunteer may begin doing so if volunteer services are requested by the school or classroom teacher and the proper application process has been successful.
Parents may eat lunch with their child during their child’s regularly scheduled lunch period
Banquets and other similar activities/events may take place on school campuses
Teachers may have guest speakers if approved by their principal and all protocols followed
Daily COVID updates will no longer be posted
The WCSB will continue to follow guidelines for COVID prevention by cleaning schools and classrooms thoroughly each day, asking that students/employees with COVID like symptoms stay home until testing negative or symptoms have subsided, and all those who come on campus social distance as much as possible. We appreciate everyone understanding our efforts to ensure safety during this unprecedented epidemic as every leader in the nation struggled navigating through it all. Moving forward, we will continue to work closely with the Wakulla County Health Department and all other state agencies to ensure consistency and safety. Thank you.